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Possible combined effects of climate change, deforestation, and harvesting on the epiphyte Catopsis compacta: a multidisciplinary approach

Zur Kurzanzeige

dc.rights.license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 es_MX
dc.contributor.author Del Castillo Sánchez, Rafael Felipe es_MX
dc.creator Del Castillo Sánchez, Rafael Felipe es_MX
dc.date.accessioned 2021-05-25T17:37:10Z
dc.date.available 2021-05-25T17:37:10Z
dc.date.issued 2013-06
dc.identifier.uri http://literatura.ciidiroaxaca.ipn.mx:8080/xmlui/handle/LITER_CIIDIROAX/541
dc.description.abstract Climate change, habitat loss, and harvesting are potential drivers of species extinction. These factors are unlikely to act on isolation, but their combined effects are poorly understood. We explored these effects in Catopsis compacta, an epiphytic bromeliad commercially harvested in Oaxaca, Mexico. We analyzed local climate change projections, the dynamics of the vegetation patches, the distribution of Catopsis in the patches, together with population genetics and demographic information. A drying and warming climate trend projected by most climate change models may contribute to explain the poor forest regeneration. Catopsis shows a positive mean stochastic population growth. A PVA reveals that quasi-extinction probabilities are not signi?cantly affected by the current levels of harvesting or by a high drop in the frequency of wet years (2%) but increase sharply when harvesting intensity duplicates. Genetic analyses show a high population genetic diversity, and no evidences of population subdivisión or a past bottleneck. Colonization mostly takes place on hosts at the edges of the fragments. Over the last 27 years, the vegetation cover has being lost at a 0.028 years rate, but fragment perimeter has increased 0.076 years The increases in fragment perimeter and vegetation openness, likely caused by climate change and logging, appear to increase the habitat of Catopsis, enhance gene ?ow, and maintain a growing and highly genetically diverse population, in spite of harvesting. Our study evidences con?icting requirements between the epiphytes and their hosts and antagonistic effects of climate change and fragmentation with harvesting on a species that can exploit open spaces in the forest. A full understanding of the consequences of potential threatening factors on species persistence or extinction requires the inspection of the interactions of these factors among each other and their effects on both the focus species and the species on which this species depends. es_MX
dc.language.iso eng es_MX
dc.publisher Ecology and Evolution 3 (11) es_MX
dc.rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess es_MX
dc.subject info:eu-repo/classification/cti/2 es_MX
dc.subject.other Altitudinal gradient es_MX
dc.subject.other demography es_MX
dc.subject.other edge effects es_MX
dc.subject.other fragmentation es_MX
dc.subject.other genetic diversity es_MX
dc.subject.other harvesting es_MX
dc.subject.other nontimber es_MX
dc.subject.other forest products es_MX
dc.subject.other plant cover dinamycs es_MX
dc.title Possible combined effects of climate change, deforestation, and harvesting on the epiphyte Catopsis compacta: a multidisciplinary approach es_MX
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article es_MX
dc.creator.id CASR551122HDFSNF05

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