Publicaciones Científicas de Libre Acceso: Recent submissions

  • Belmonte Jimenez, Salvador Isidro; Campos Enríquez, José Oscar; Alatorre Zamora, Miguel Ángel (Geofísica Internacional, 2005-07)
    The aquifer of Zaachila was evaluated following conventional methods (DRASTIC, AVI, and GOD). Depth to the wáter table was established from a set of wells. Accordingly, the groundwater flows from N to S. Hydraulic conductivity ...
  • Belmonte Jimenez, Salvador Isidro (Geofísica Internacional, 2012-10)
    In this study we report the characterization of a leachate contaminated site, by following a methodology that integrates geophysical and geohydrological data to better constrain a hydrogeological model. The characterization ...
  • Belmonte Jimenez, Salvador Isidro; Campos-Enríquez, José Oscar; Herrera-Barrientos, Jaime (Revista Geofísica (Issue 59). Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia., 2003-07)
    Se determinó la vulnerabilidad a la contaminación de la porción central del acuífero del valle de Etla, Oaxaca, México, empleando el método SINTACS. Los sondeos eléctricos verticales de corriente directa y de inducción ...

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